Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Divine Economy Theory Defines the Gold Standard.

The only reason there is confusion about the gold standard is because the divine economy has been corrupted by interventionism.

Over the entire span of human evolution alertness to the beneficial outcomes of cooperation lead to the adoption of mediums of exchange. Also over this span of time certain goods were more universally valued. Gold and silver for centuries and millennia served as the mediums of exchange, predominantly.

This happened naturally as an expression of human aspirations and cooperation. Even though humans did not know about economics or equilibrating tendencies, by simply acting according to their inherent nature humans chose gold and silver to serve as great means of facilitation, facilitating prosperity. Although in a relatively primitive state, the divine economy was operating unhampered and the result was a parallel evolution of economic means and civilization.

Then corruption entered in. Simply described, the first ego-driven interventionist decided to debase the stock of currency to illicitly enrich himself. This type of intervention was repeated over and over by various ego-driven interventionists and we began to see civilization go in a different direction. Prosperity weakened as the economy became corrupted and specifically redirected so that it no longer operated as a natural process.

Those who speak around the gold standard in an abstruse manner or those who ignore the gold standard are definitely a part of this system of exploitation. They deny that the economy is a divine institution, expressive of human will and action. They claim that they know what is best for humanity - a fallacious claim - yet they are the ones debasing the stock of currency. They oppose the gold standard because it is the most powerful restriction to their ego-driven aspirations.

The gold standard is simply stated: gold is the commodity most universally accepted and recognized as a medium of exchange. Gold is what was chosen by humanity before the economy was corrupted by the ego-driven interventionists. Gold is not only a very, very good medium of exchange it is also a remedy. It has the tremendous ameliorative ability to purge corruption from the economy. A gold standard halts a great deal of the corruption caused by the ego-driven interventionists. This is why the interventionists seek to minimalize the gold standard.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Divine Economy Theory Redefines Normal!

If you are driving down the road towards a destination and you discover that you are going the wrong way you have three choices: to continue going the wrong way, to stop and give up all hope and desire, or to turn around and find your way. I propose that continuing to go the wrong way is not normal nor is stopping and giving up all hope normal! What is normal is to turn around and find your way.

As the sciences developed and corruption crept into religion there was a very clear need to proceed scientifically in a very focused manner. Advancements in science stimulated further scientific advancements leading to the impression that science and religion were separate and mostly incompatible.

Economic science followed this same road despite the fact that many of the greatest discoveries early in economic history came from contemplation about human action which had been elucidated upon in Scripture. This road of scientific pursuit lead to many specialized approaches but what they all had in common was the fading into obscurity of the spiritual reality of human beings since religion and science were seen as separate. It should be obvious to all that removal or denial of the spiritual reality of human beings makes any of the sciences that study human beings imaginary. Such false and unreal premises render these 'scientific' approaches invalid or at least significantly invalid.

To continue down this road of scientific idle fancy is not normal!

A normal behavior is to turn around with the intention to find the way. The divine economy theory is the direction to take since it uses the subjectivist methodology of classical liberalism and since it gives full glory to the human reality.

It is normal to use science to push understanding to its outer boundaries rather than to construct artificial boundaries! Divine economy theory is redefining normal by reaching into the realm of purposeful human action by spiritual beings.

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Divine Economy Theory Is Free From Politics.

There is great merit in the condition of freedom from politics. Politics has two possible meanings to most of us and being released from its grip from either perspective is a great relief.

In everyday vernacular the word 'politics' refers to the manipulative practices of people to gain some advantage. It is not seen as a positive thing.

Another meaning that comes to mind to some is a system of government. But there are many systems of government so the question becomes: Which system of government? Frankly, it doesn't even matter. Regardless of which system the 'feel' of politics varies only in a relative sense along the spectrum of government types. In a system of 'mafia' the 'feel' of politics may be strong, whereas the 'feel' of politics in a system of democracy such as the type in Chicago with its political machine famously in the fairly recent past may be very similar, whereas in a system of nepotism common in local, regional, national and international democracy it may have a lesser 'feel' of politics. Even when this governmental meaning of 'politics' comes to mind it ultimately has a negative connotation also and is actually very similar to the other meaning, just on a different scale.

Divine economy theory is free from politics. It is based upon the scientific understanding that human beings are 'created in His Image." The attributes of God inherent in human beings are best conveyed to others as part of the market process - a process which represents an exchange of knowledge. This process is far more complex than human comprehension since it encompasses the physical world, the intellectual potencies of all humans, and additionally, the spiritual realities of the matrix of humanity. Here is another way to describe how vast this process is - it is divine. It was, is, and always will be a part of God's creation, and it is uniquely a part of the human creation. In other words, the economy is a divine institution.

I needed to describe all of this to you so I could emphasize the point again that this process is infinitely complex, far more than the capacity of human comprehension. Therefore human intervention into the economy is bound to be erroneous. It ends in corruption as you can see in the few examples given above, examples that come from an extremely large list of well known observations.

The foundation of divine economy theory is trust in God. A corollary is the knowledge that human beings are seekers after truth which means that they will eventually abide by the Will of God. All material, intellectual and spiritual incentives move humanity in that direction. Paternalistic politics, unable to comprehend the whole, can only result in corruption and injustice. In other words, there is no role for politics in the economy.

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Divine Economy Theory Is Real And For Everyone!

No one, any more, thinks that value is restricted to a point of data. If your friend works during the summer for $7.50 per hour that does not mean that your friend is worth that and only that. Your friend has a great sense of humor and musical talent, dabbles in poetry, has some foreign language skills and has gone scuba diving numerous times! Data does not define or contain your friend.

What is needed in economics is a theory that goes beyond the narrow definitions used by most contemporary economic theories. It is time for a theory that comprehends the human potential and applies to the real world faced by us rather than an artificial one created by economists in an effort to compensate for their obsolete methods.

The divine economy theory redefines the core of economics! The equilibrium force that is ever-present and irresistible in the economy is part of God's creation. Humans are 'created in His Image' meaning that they can acquire and reflect the attributes of God and it is through the interaction with each other in the economy that the grace and bounty of God comes to us.

Our ignorance of the process of how the market works and of how to advance our nature is the point where we are at this time in history. Using obsolete theories and methods can only aggravate the problems confronting mankind.

Divine economy theory recognizes the divinely-ordained station of human beings. It recognizes that the economy never reaches equilibrium - which is a state of perfection. But the disequilibrium of the real world that we live in is a state of imperfection, quite useful in permitting us to learn and advance. This realization of contentment is an expression of trust in God especially since it is a proven fact given in the divine economy theory that any and all human intervention into the economy is a corruption which leads to injustices.

The divine economy is for you and me and everyone since it encourages the acquisition of virtues and leads to an ever-advancing civilization.

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