Friday, December 25, 2009

The Past, Present, And Future Of The Divine Economy Theory.

Thomas Aquinas is a towering figure in classical liberalism and also in the unfoldment of what can be described as a precursor to the divine economy theory. It is true that this philosophical line continues back to Aristotle but the elements and seeds of the divine economy theory go back even further, past Moses and Abraham, as far back as recorded history. Each time epochal civilization advanced it turns out that a fragment of the divine economy theory was there.

At the heart, each and every time, was knowledge gained about how to function as subjective beings along the pathway of social cooperation. This always tantalizing theme was a powerful motive force in the evolution of human civilization.

At present, and predictably in the future, the knowledge gained about how to function as subjective beings along the path of social cooperation will lead to an ever-advancing civilization.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why Is Laissez-Faire Moral?

The 'reality' imagined by the interventionists won't conform - nor is it known!

Since reality - as far as we can understand - is only a reflection of human action and human action is subjective, it is always unknown.

No matter how much someone who is ego-driven desires to interpret or intervene, reality cannot be grasped. There is no moral authority to do anything which is why laissez-faire is moral!

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Sunday, December 06, 2009

Why Do Mainstream, Empirical Economists Misunderstand Subjectivism?

One of the reasons mainstream economists misunderstand the unity of thought and the conviction and unwavering confidence exhibited by 'students' of classical liberalism is because it has an ethical foundation.

Since empiricism extracts the human element, it necessarily extracts ethics also. Then when it is time to apply their 'economics' they have to make some kind of interpretation to reapply it in an ethical context in the human world. Inevitably ego-driven interpretation is what results which sends us in steps towards totalitarianism.

And it is this same empiricism of mainstream economics that makes subjectivism a mystery to them and causes them to misrepresent the certitude of the scientists who use subjectivism.

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Saturday, December 05, 2009

Why Not Just Call It "Capitalism?"

Words, new or not, have limitations which is the whole reason why models are used to supplement our descriptive power and our understanding.

The first subjectivist model that I developed, which is the foundation for "MORE THAN LAISSEZ-FAIRE", is first introduced visually as a four-petaled flower with a center. Or you could imagine the four cardinal directions (N, S, E, and W) but with a center. Here are the four elements: Imagine south as the Human Spirit, north as Transformation, east as Order, and west as Law. The center is what in the economic literature has been called equilibrium, which is what acts on all of these, and which I label as 'divine economy.'

Like I said, words have limitations so I suggest that you refer to the model(s) to get a better sense of what I mean by 'divine economy.'

One reason I don't simply call it 'capitalism' is because it is more encompassing. When talking about capitalism no one suggests that we just call it 'savings.' They are not incompatible but they are not the same thing either.

Although in a way this model may sound simplistic but the model is developed further. For example, the model I mentioned to you above is two dimensional - even though identifying the elements is profound in and of itself - but in a handful of pages in Chapter Two it goes from a two dimensional model to a five dimensional model.

Do not be alarmed because every aspect of these models is subjective. That is one of the most revolutionary and remarkable things about the divine economy theory.

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Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Which Came First, Ideology Or Ego-Driven Interventionism?

As far as ego-driven interventionism is concerned the interventionist ideology did not come first. Whenever it started - and then later became an ideology - it started because someone was overcome by their ego and convinced themselves that they had the knowledge and the ability to 'do' the economy better than its own divine nature (of which laissez-faire is a weaker understanding of this phenomenon).

This perverse ideology of ego-driven interventionism, no doubt, encourages certain people - such as politicians and 'economists' - along these lines of action. Except for extreme cases I identify these individuals not as evil but as without a 'proper education.'

It is time for ego-driven interventionism to come to the forefront of the discussion so that a proper education can be received and interventionism halted. Although it is implied in the classical liberalism literature (although maybe some do not think that it is), as far as I can tell I think that I am the first one to label it as such and thereby pinpoint the precise cause of the attempt to destroy the spirit of laissez-faire economics (which I have further refined and defined as the divine economy).

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Good Definition of "Moral Hazard."

The definition that I like appears on pp. 783-4 in the masterful biography of Ludwig von Mises, Mises: The Last Knight of Liberalism, written by Guido Hulsmann. Here it is:

"Artificial markets would make managers irresponsible. Some of the benefits of successful management would still be private (the increased reputation and career advancement of successful managers), but all of the costs of mismanagement would have to be borne by the citizenry at large. As a consequence, the managers of the state could take excessive risks; they would squander society's capital."

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Moral Authority Resides In The Free Market Economy.

Pure and simple - there is no moral authority for ego-driven intervention and the only source of an ego-less economy is a free market economy. That is not to say that a free market economy is absolutely perfect, because it is simply a mirror image of the relatively imperfect state of development of human civilization.

However, the advancement of individuals and of civilization towards perfection is dependent upon the flow of information and that is only at its optimal in a free market economy.

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Friday, November 06, 2009

Liberty Is Not Concessionary.

This is very similar to the emphasis that I give in MORE THAN LAISSEZ-FAIRE. Laissez-faire is not merely a philosophical point of view to be defended or not. It is an expression that was used in the past (and up to the present) to indicate that there is no moral authority to meddle in the economy.

This is the esence of the divine economy theory although the theory itself proves unequivocally that there is no moral authority to meddle in the economy. Upon this foundation rests all of the other new and exciting discoveries!

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Reply to: Atheism Does Not Undermine Classical Liberalism.

So not to be misunderstood this is the context of the statement that ruffled some feathers:

"Transition to a society envisioned in the philosophy of classical liberalism needs our attention. Atheism and interventionism are the two major distortions."

Who can seriously say that the society envisioned in the philosophy of classical liberalism can either have interventionism or atheism? To say that or to think that is a distortion of that 'ideal' society.

An atheist can adopt classical liberalism as a meritorious philosophy and then choose to personalize it. However the roots of classical liberalism do not change simply because an individual has selectively deleted those things that are considered abrasive.

Again the easy way out is to pretend that science is flawless and that religion is flawed.

In truth, science can be flawed and religion can be flawed. In truth, both science and religion are valuable tools for the discovery of that which you are seeking. Some use only one tool while others choose to use both.

It is because interventionism and atheism are major distortions of classical liberalism that they undermine classical liberalism.

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Reply to: Atheism Was Instrumental In Guiding Me To Classical Liberalism.

The fact that you are searching after truth means that you have chosen an active entrepreneurial spirit over a latent one. I am not saying that science (classical liberalism is an example of science that uses the correct methodology for studying human action) does not lead to truth. On the contrary it is one of the most powerful tools of discovery. Science, if it is erroneous (empiricism in social sciences, for example), can also lead astray.

That is the same problem with religion.

When put on even ground, then, both science and religion have the same potentials - good and bad.

Now, how would you regard an individual who only used religion as the sole tool for the discovery of truth? In your mind you probably would regard that individual as imbalanced, I suspect.

Just because religion is a difficult path to traverse since it is plagued with the errors of ego-driven interpretation does not mean that religion is an invalid tool for the discovery of truth. If someone says, "Look at the ridiculousness of Keynesianism; economics is a bunch of bunk!" and then they fall into a mode of a latent entrepreneurial spirit, does that do any good for anyone?

I merely suggest that we have the choice to use all the tools for discovery that are at our disposal. The easy way probably will not yield the best results.

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Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Divine Economy Theory And Natural Rights.

Discovery is at the forefront of the advancement of civilization. These early scholastics documented their discoveries and promulgated them enough to activate the consciences of most who learned of their discoveries.

Just like natural rights represents an inseparable essence of the human reality so too does the divine economy represent the essential institution that was created as the means for the flow of the grace of God.

If this statement is a new discovery so be it. It will have the same significance as the discovery of natural rights. It is a corollary of natural rights.

Yet as it is unfolded in the divine economy theory it is like a laser whereas natural rights is like a candle!

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Sunday, July 05, 2009

Free Market Economics Is Not "Individualism."

People benefit from the mutually advantageous cooperation that is a part of the market process. Here is what Ludwig von Mises said about it:

"The greater productivity of work under the division of labour is a unifying influence. It leads men to regard each other as comrades in a joint struggle for welfare, rather than as competitors in a struggle for existence. It makes friends out of enemies, peace out of war, society out of individuals."
                                                                 Socialism by Ludwig von Mises, p. 261

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Thursday, July 02, 2009

It's Time To Learn About The Divine Economy Theory!

As a logical and scientific and peaceful alternative, consider what was stated in MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed:

"For centuries we have tried to direct the economy. It is now time to recognize the economy as a divine institution that encourages human development and brings about prosperity. The other way – intervention – is divisive and its failure is all around us and is progressively worsening. This shortcoming is necessarily so because intervention causes a corruption of the divine economy."

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Monday, June 29, 2009

A New MACRO & MICRO Economics Book.

Now it is possible to get a comprehensive economics book - that is, one that seamlessly combines macro and micro - a book that can also serve as an alternative textbook, and one that strictly adheres to laissez-faire, free market economics.

This is no minor task if you consider the sad state of affairs in education generally, and in economics specifically. No where else will you find as compelling a reason for stopping all ego-driven human intervention into the economy.

The book, that is built upon the foundation laid by the great Austrian economists and the contributors to the philosophy of classical liberalism, is entitled MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed. No one should be without access to this state-of-the-art economics book!

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Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Capital Is A Vital Element Of The Economy.

Beyond the various definitions of capital, this is what we know:
  1. Capital is the most limiting factor in the economy.
  2. Capital is the key to transformation.
By considering these it becomes evident that understanding capital (so definitions need to be accurate) is an indicator of whether economics is understood by an 'economist' or by an 'economic perspective or school of thought.'

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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Solutions To Environmental Problems.

There are two steps:

1. Defining and refining property rights.

2. Enforcing property rights.

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Saturday, April 04, 2009

Productive Speculation Is Attacked By Socialism.

If and when you listen to the half-truths in the media you are constantly being told by the propagandists that capitalism is evil and that speculators are vile. Here is why these are half-truths.

First of all the word ‘capitalism’ is supposed to be describing a free market economy but there is and has not been a free market economy anywhere, anytime. In that regard what is being practiced that is evil is interventionism which is nothing but the political corruption of the economy.

Second, speculation is absolutely necessary for any production to occur. Nobody knows what will be the outcome in the market; some products fail and some succeed, and some products people want more of and some products people want less of. The market conveys that information but only after production is finished and reaches the market. Before production occurs the market response is just a speculation. With no speculation there is no production! In that regard the attack by the socialists on speculation is an attack on production which explains one of the reasons why very few goods and services are available in socialist ‘economies’.

In addition to arousing your curiosity about the greatness of free market economics and about the value of speculation, this information helps you to quickly identify those whose voices are the voices of socialism. If a person attacks the free market or if they attack speculation they are either in need of education or they are socialists trying to spread lies and half-truths.

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Thursday, March 05, 2009

How Do We Prepare For The Coming Ideological Change?

What we have to realize is that the equilibrium forces of the economy are infinitely greater than the ephemeral and illusory powers of the ego-driven interventionists.

Our greatest challenge is not to resist the advance of socialism and fascism but to educate people about classical liberalism, about Austrian economics, and about the entrepreneurial spirit inherent in all human beings to seek the truth. This prepares the way for the ideological change that is coming.

The economy is our helper. Its equilibrium forces will wipe away these corrupt ego-driven interventionists with ease. We want to make sure that the free flow of information that occurs in an unhampered market is made easier by an insistent demand for it by the people around the world.

What can we do to stimulate the demand for the freedom to get information about classical liberalism and Austrian economics? Whatever those things are that stimulate the demand, that is what we should be doing!

If so inclined, send me your ideas about what would stimulate the demand for the freedom to learn more about classical liberalism and Austrian economics.

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Definitions of Micro and Macro Economics In The Divine Economy Theory.

One definition of macroeconomics that then emerges from the divine economy theory is as follows: it is a study of those factors and conditions that lead to the long run advancement of the standard of living for everyone on the planet.

One definition of microeconomics that then emerges from the divine economy theory is as follows: it is a study of how individuals discover and react to information in the market as part of their division of labor to produce and then to earn income, so as to meet their personal desires for goods and services.

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Sunday, January 04, 2009

What exactly is the "spiritual reality of human beings"?

The spiritual reality of human beings is being created in the image of God.

Humans have the potential to reflect, acquire, and manifest all of the attributes of God (the Names of God, the virtues). The degree is relative whereas God is in all things and in all ways Absolute {in fact God is greater than that since that is an imagination by a finite being about that which is Infinite (in fact God is greater than that since that is an imagination by a finite being about that which is Infinite) and again, (in fact God is greater than that since that is an imagination by a finite being about that which is Infinite) . . . ad infinitum}.

The potential is always towards higher degrees of perfection of reflecting, acquiring, and manifesting all of the attributes of God.

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