Thursday, August 30, 2007

Environmentalism And The Divine Economy Theory - #2.

Let us assume one of two things:

  1. We are in a natural warming cycle of the planet Earth, similar to ones that have occurred many times before in the ancient history of our planet, or
  2. We are in a warming cycle of the planet primarily caused by excessive human exploitation of the Earth's resources.
Who is the principal beneficiary of the second viewpoint: 'a warming cycle of the planet primarily caused by excessive human exploitation of the Earth's resources?' Look at how the 'problem' is solved to see where the vested interests lie. Unquestionably mandates and regulations are under the control of the interventionists! How convenient!

This intervention at the global scale and at the national scale does not allow for solutions at the local level. First of all if this 'viewpoint' (#2) is not correct then the negative consequences on humans around the globe are imposed in a centralized and bureaucratic manner and intolerate of opposing viewpoints. A more decentralized and localized approach permits the testing of all viewpoints without the large scale consequences.

The interventionists are diametrically opposed to the laws and order of the divine economy theory because all intervention is identified as small-minded and unjust. They cannot imagine a world without their controlling designs.

Even if we ignore the skepticism of over 50% of meteorological scientists (well over 50% are skeptical of man-made global warming) the appropriate solution would be to allow communities to choose their solutions. The communities that choose liberty and well defined property rights will be in harmony with the planet as described by the following appellation: good steward. And these communities will become magnets, attracting attention and leading to emulation.

Of course the challenge of allowing communities to choose liberty and well defined property rights does not only apply to environmental issues but all issues. All of a sudden the house of cards built by the interventionists begins to shake and crumble. Their grip slips and they become exposed as exploiters.

Surely environmentalists love humanity too! Why can you clearly see exploiters of the Earth yet you are blind to the exploiters of humankind? Why are you intolerant of the corruption of pollution while at the same time you nestle up next to the corruption of the ego-driven interventionists?

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Friday, August 17, 2007

Production Possibilities Frontier and the Divine Economy Theory!

Currently I am writing the 'Second Edition' of my first book, 'DIVINE ECONOMY And Its Real World Economic Principles.' In addition to improving the writing style and in addition to more thoroughly describing the real world economic principles as they relate to the Divine Economy Model © I also am adding a new chapter.

The new chapter uses production possibilities frontiers to further demonstrate the power of the divine economy theory and of the Divine Economy Model ©, and it also connects even more tightly the divine economy theory to contemporary economic theory.

One of the reasons this is significant is because, in many respects, there is not much difference between the two. The transition from contemporary economic theory to the divine economy theory is fairly easy once the basis of the divine economy theory is accepted, that is, once the economy is seen as infinitely complex and only comprehensible to the Omnipotent and Omniscient God. Trusting in the grace and mercy and justice of God is the natural next step and then the two theories, contemporary economic theory and divine economy theory, are more similar than different.

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For more information go to my newly renovated website.

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or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Economic Equations In The Divine Economy Theory! (Part Two)

On June 24, 2007, I presented the first set of equations - to explain the divine economy theory in an encrypted manner.

This time I will show how the divine economy theory differs from the classical liberalism that is often portrayed by contemporary economists and philosophers of the classical liberalism persuasion:

  • DE = CL - Ath + TnG
Here is the descriptive counterpart:

  • The divine economy is the same as classical liberalism (= CL) except minus atheism (- Ath) and plus it firmly rests upon the trust in God (+ TnG).
I argue that the development of classical liberalism from the the very beginning is also part of the parallel development of the divine economy theory. At some points in history the discovery of a concept or principle was perfectly compatible to both classical liberalism and the divine economy theory and so the history of thought of both simply shared that discovery.

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Environmentalism And The Divine Economy Theory - #1.

Let us assume one of two things:
  1. We are in a natural warming cycle of the planet Earth, similar to ones that have occurred many times before in the ancient history of our planet, or
  2. We are in a warming cycle of the planet primarily caused by excessive human exploitation of the Earth's resources.
The stance of the 'environmental movement' is the second of these two. Although I am not 100% sure this is correct I do know that the blame is pointed in the wrong direction.

First of all it is naive to think that there are not demagogues who will find ways to benefit by promoting themselves as friends of the environment.

Second, why have the 'environmentalists' swallowed 'hook-line-and-sinker' the propaganda that the government is the friend of the environment? Despite all of the fictitious portrayals of 'champions' (referred to as public servants) and fictitious renderings of historical events it is not difficult to see how ownership is far, far greater an incentive to take care of something than the incentives of 'communism.'

Third, who is responsible for the 'forced development' that is happening all over the world? What happens when governments choose fiat currencies so they can artificially stimulate 'growth' to achieve political goals?

Why are the ego-driven interventionists not identified as the cause of the distortions that lead to excessive human exploitation of the Earth's resources?

Is the environmental movement either:
  1. Ignorant of cause and effect - meaning - ignorant of how the economy is being manipulated by the interventionists in such a manner so as to create ecologically unsound consequences?, or
  2. A tool of the ego-driven demagogues, or
  3. Financed directly or indirectly by the interventionists (ie, government funded research) and thereby beholden to the interventionists. Will the dog bite the hand that feeds it? Shame on you if you call your conclusions scientific!
If there is an ecological and environmental crisis looming it is because of the interventionists and all of the distortions caused by their intervention in the economy. That is the true cause.

If the energy of those involved in the environmental movement is directed towards stopping intervention then results will come quickly and the ethics of their efforts will ring true.

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Divine Economy Theory Is The Start Of An Ideological Shift.

There are times when small incremental changes contribute to the advancement of science. In fact, most of the time that is how it happens. Every once in a while the change is more weighty.

One analogy to ponder is the gradual advancement of each day, with the Sun changing positions as the day progresses. This gradual change during the day is not comparable to the dawn of the day, where darkness is changed to light!

The small cumulative advancements in science are noble and important but the magnitude of the change is not so great as to cause an ideological shift. Just like the dawn marks the beginning of a whole new sequence of changes, an epoch making discovery brings about an ideological shift.

The divine economy theory is that revolutionary! It is built on the solid foundation of classical liberalism but it takes economic science into the hitherto uncharted realms of the discipline.

I realize that these assertions are bold but the body of work is substantial and readily available for your investigation. Please feel welcome to correspond with me about any questions or comments that you might have.

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For more information go to my newly renovated website.

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or liberty and justice, please send them this link: