Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Economics And Ethics: A Divine Economy Theory Perspective.

Can it be that they are twins? If so they must come from the same origin.

Indeed, both economics and ethics can be traced back to the origin of value. And the origin of value is one of the great discoveries of the divine economy theory.

All things, tangible and intangible, have value because they inherently possess an attribute that attracts the hearts and minds of human beings. Human beings are attracted to those qualities that are manifestations of its own source - the Creator, God.

So it is that the virtues basis of ethics and the names and the attributes of God inherent in economic goods (which are subjectively recognized and valued) are the same, like identical twins!

For a parallel perspective go to Divine Economy Ethics.

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Economic Equations In The Divine Economy Theory! (Part One)

What is the first and most basic equation? PR=HR, where PR represents property rights and HR represents human rights. This equation is equally as potent a tool when its mirror image is viewed: HR=PR. What can be stated with certainty from these equations is that the economy exists only because human beings exist!

Another equation that lays the foundation for the divine economy theory is DE=HS+T+L+O, where DE represents the divine economy; HS represents the human spirit; T represents transformation; L represents law; and O represents order.

Blog entries in the future will continue to expound upon the equations and formula that describe the concepts in the divine economy theory.

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Divine Economy Theory Is A Necessary Ideological Shift!

Metaphorically speaking, if you are stuck in the mud you need to shift into a gear that can take you out of the quagmire! Who among you can look at the economic conditions in the world today and not see the appropriateness of this analogy of being stuck in the mud or being in a quagmire?

The shift that is necessary is an ideological one. The shift that is necessary is one that recognizes the full potential of human beings. Ideologically the shift is away from atheism and away from the errors of interpretation that have been thrust upon humanity in the past.

No one is saying that this is an easy task. It cannot and will not be done without there being a reason.

And so we come to the first hurdle - reason. If you are unaware of the basis of the divine economy theory then you cannot exercise your reasoning powers to examine the divine economy theory.

What are the reasons for not investigating? Scientific and academic orthodoxy! Partisan politics! Prejudice and fear! Other reasons!

One of the characteristics of an ideological shift is the courage of those involved. If it takes courage to overcome the above given reasons for not investigating, and if you can muster enough courage to investigate, then you may decide to courageously work towards bringing about the ideological shift needed for justice and human prosperity.

The challenging question is: Is there a need for an ideological shift and does the divine economy theory fulfill that need?

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Monday, June 11, 2007

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Divine Economy Ethics And Intervention.

When I introduced the Divine Economy Model © in 2005 in my first book, DIVINE ECONOMY And Its Real World Economic Principles, I knew there was great depth in the model and great depth in the theory behind the model. Very evident in the model was the absence of an economic role for government.

Another way of saying the same thing is: in the divine economy theory all intervention is external and a source of corruption!

Now the divine economy theory has developed even further - it now encompasses ethics - since both economics and ethics are products of human action and human thought. This development is quite insightful and it adds even more power to the argument that there is no moral authority justifying intervention into the economy.

Increasingly it will become more and more difficult for the interventionists to make their claims that they can touch the economy and not do harm! Increasingly those who have aspirations to be interventionists will be faced with the choice of either being seen as untrustworthy or as economic ignoramuses.

In a very real way there are equilibrium forces always at play in the dynamic economy. Once knowledge and truth become evident (and it has in the divine economy theory) the invisible force of equilibrium will swing the pendulum back with increasing resistence to the errors of those with corrupt intentions, negating the falsity and perversity of these dark days of economic ignorance (intervention).

As the momentum changes the interventionists will be easily identified and increasingly shunned. And the diseased conditions brought about by intervention will be ameliorated by the equilibrium forces. This is all a part of the process.

The process I am speaking of is the blending of the means and the ends. As implied in the divine economy theory the means is the divine economy and the ends is the divine economy!

The scientific merging of economics and ethics as delineated in ETHICS of the Divine Economy enables and proves this new realization.

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link: