Thursday, September 14, 2006

Divine Economy Heals The Addiction To Interventionism.

The following analogy sheds some light on the subject of the contemporary economy.

The objection to stopping intervention is the fear of the consequences. Consider the life of an addict. It is the pain and suffering and the fear of separation that makes an addict lose the self-discipline needed to begin the healing process. If pursued though, not only does the healing process take place within the individual but across all of the social interactions.

This is the same with the divine economy. In its sick and addicted state the immediate horizon of abstention looks painful, with suffering and plenty of negative consequences. Just like with an addict the current level of intervention is no longer sufficient so with each increased dose there is more and more separating and corrupting of the economy further from its natural state. The economy is corrupted and distorted and so are all of the social interactions. Look around and it is easy to see corrupted, distorted social interactions!

Until the addict decides that the loss of one's true self is no longer acceptable the addiction continues. The strength to recover comes from the desire to honor and cherish one's own reality. This realization and discovery is often connected to a spiritual awakening.

At this time in history when the divine economy theory is just emerging there is a general ignorance. My task is to raise the awareness about the divine economy so that it can become a source of strength to counteract all the concerns about the negative consequences of withdrawal from interventionism. The healing process is very exhilarating. And the state of freedom from addiction is natural and optimal. In the case of the economy it is divine!

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