Monday, March 24, 2008

Divine Economy Theory - The Power of Deduction.

Empirical economists are blinded by and bogged down in minutiae. They are in a state of powerlessness whether they know it or not.

A holistic approach is absolutely necessary since humans all belong to the same species and there are natural laws that describe what they do. They behave subjectively within the spectrum of possibilities, constrained by the natural laws of the human operating system.

A holistic approach cannot start at the physical level nor can it choose the human intellect as its ultimate starting point. Holistically the human being is also a spiritual being. This means that the spiritual reality plus the intellect plus the physical qualities define the human being.

Deduction from only the physical nature of humans yields a different outcome than if one that starts more broadly from the intellect. Likewise, deduction from the higher level of perception, the spiritual, leads to a different discovery.

Backing up to the farthest point known takes us to the source of our creation - our Creator. We cannot go beyond that. Deduction proceeding from that point leads us to certain discoveries but there are no more stones to uncover that make it possible for us to broaden our point of origin.

What is extremely exciting about this origin of deduction for the human sciences is that it becomes fixed like a 'standard.’ Henceforth, the way one proceeds with deduction may vary but the ultimate starting point, the standard, is always the same.

This is why it is a truism to say that science and religion are in harmony.

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