Thursday, April 26, 2007

Divine Economy Theory Implies Ethics.

The difference between divine economy theory and contemporary economic theory is clear in a number of critical ways. These differences are not reconcilable and so contemporary economic theory needs to be discarded since its irrelevance and corruptability has been exposed.

Contemporary economics applies moral relativism, at best, when confronted with the issue of ethics. Whereas divine economy theory traces its ethical basis all the way back to Supreme Ethicists and unequivocally declares that economics and ethics are inseparable.

Because contemporary economics separates ethics from economics and because moral relativism is its firmest foundation there is nothing in place to protect it from corruption. To give one example, there is no moral outcry among economists when money is taken from people and given to others. It is done as a distribution and those who make those decisions are protected by the cloak of moral relativism.

The divine economy theory makes no exception for any act of theft. Taking the property (including income) of someone else is theft and if it is done by the State it is still an act of crime. In fact in the divine economy theory it is the State that is identified as the chief instigator of theft.

Since our desire is to live peacefully without the baneful effects of corruption we have to rely on ethical teachings that are universal and attributed to the Supreme Ethicists Who were sent to guide humanity. Thank God, divine economy theory includes and is derived from such an ethical foundation.

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or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

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