Sunday, February 14, 2010

Divine Economy = Unhampered Free Market Economy.

According to the divine economy theory the divine economy is the equivalent of the unhampered free market economy, however, it is also more than that! That is also the reason why my first book is titled MORE THAN LAISSEZ-FAIRE.

The basic difference has to do with the ontological model. The ontological model used in the divine economy theory is slightly, but significantly, different than the classical ontological model. In addition to the mineral and vegetable and animal and human (intellective) categories the divine economy theory includes a fifth category, the category that acknowledges that humans are also spiritual beings.

Once this realm is brought into the scientific exploration some of the assumed boundaries that serve as limitations disappear. As a result the divine economy theory is opening new vistas. It is cutting edge subjectivism, it is cutting edge economics, it is cutting edge ethics, and it is cutting edge classical liberalism, it is cutting edge education.

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Thursday, February 04, 2010

How Many Regard The Market Economy As Blameless?

"In the market economy the only way left to the more gifted individuals to take advantage of their superior abilities is to get the masses to believe you are serving them, which might be done by actually serving them, or, alternatively, say, by marketing an addictive product to them and getting them hooked on it."

I wonder how you can stand by your statement, Gene Callahan.

I guess it all depends on your definition of the market economy. My question to you and to others who are critical of the market economy is why stop at the midpoint?

If you understand the implications of a market economy then you understand that information flows at its optimal for each specific time in history. As information flows at its optimum civilization advances and the ethics changes.

Sure you can pick a time along that continuum (when the market economy is distorted by interventionism) and say that addicitive goods are produced and consumed but to use that as a criticism of the market economy is erroneous. The flaw is not in the market economy but rather it is in the character of the individuals at that specific time in history (and it is not unrelated to the corruption of the flow of knowledge caused by interventionism).

Carry that forward in time - when the ethics changes - and then you will see that those playthings will be seen and regarded as silly and even ridiculous. In the future there will still be a market economy (imperfect but relatively more perfect) but without the barbarism of an earlier, less developed civilization.

In other words, it is improper to blame the market economy.

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link: